949-457-0797 |
- Connected to the Metaphysical
Intuitive Readings in Person or by Phone
Awakenings has assembled a talented and diverse team of Psychic Reader — Lori , , Michelle, Patrick, Diana, Erin , MayLynne, Marlo, Laura, Nora, Anissa, Tara, Vanessa, Tyler, Richard, Pat,, Kimberl, Dina, Brian, Jackie and Lynn, — Our readers are available, by appointment, in person, or over the telephone.
You can book your appt at the store during normal business hours .
Rates are $2 per minute with a 20 minute minimum
** Unless otherwise noted below.
Readers hours can fluctuate due to their availability
We are blessed to have assembled a talented
and diverse team of Psychic Readers.
We are very discerning in our selection process of the readers we contract with and strive to provide you with abundant choices. Each Intuitive Reader has unique specialties and backgrounds with divinations such as tarot, Mediumship, clairvoyance, clairaudience, astrology, numerology, pendulums, lifecoaching and more. We invite you to study the list to find the one that resonates with you. |
Lori Camacho
Lori is unique as she is a Spiritual Teacher, Clairvoyant, Healer and Trance Channel. A reading can be done both in or out of the trance state with unseen friend "Raina", or a mixture of both styles can be explored in one session. A channeled reading would be more healing in nature, where a clairvoyant reading would deal with the more worldly physical needs. You will be asked to say your name three times and then either Lori or Raina will tune into your energy with your voice and begin a very enlightening experience.
Lori is also co-owner of Awakenings and Visions & Dreams. She has taught Spiritual Development including clairvoyance, healing and channeling, amongst many other workshops for over 13 years, totaling 16 years of professional experience. This has resulted in a comprehensive online spiritual foundation program, many channeled teachings/meditations and a blog that can be accessed through her membership site www.rainateachings.com
For appointments please contact support@rainateachings.com
Psychic Parties
Are Now Available!
We now offer the option of having one of our psychics come to your party, gathering or special event. Whether you are planning a large party or a simple night in with the girls, we are here to help you find the perfect reader for you.
Prices start at $200 for the first hour (includes drive time to and from event) and $175 for each additional hour with a two-hour minimum.
Please call us at: 949-457-0797 to book an appointment.
Michelle Oborny
Clairvoyant, Channel, Medical Intuitive, Medium. After a lifetime of informal attunement to energy, Michelle began formally training as a metaphysician eight years ago. Initially using Tarot Cards, numerology, and Angelic Readings to inform people of their potentials, she eventually developed Integral Self-Healing sessions which combine a wide variety of modalities to reveal the path to progress for each individual. Using DNA analysis and energetic medicine to diagnose physiological constraints, and past-lives visions to trace blockages, Michelle specializes in identifying stagnancy and reclaiming a conscious blueprint to propel creative growth. She is a novelist who has spent the last decade implementing her experience as a corporate leader, and is currently pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology with an emphasis on mythology and archetypes.
Michelle reads Mondays from 12:00pm – 6:30pm - Phone only
* 60 min minimum, Rates are $200 per hour
*Appointments for Michelle can now be made by calling Awakenings at (949) 457-0797.
Patrick is an Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor. He uses his gifts of insight to help people find direction in their lives. His ability to see Past Life Energy, allows individuals to heal the present, so that they may move forward toward a bright and better future.
Patrick reads Mondays & Fridays 10am – 2pm - Phone only
*30 min minimum
$100 per 30 min, $175 per hour for Patrick
Marlo Gonzales
Marlo is a natural empath and channel who works primarily through clairsentience and clairaudience to provide psychic readings, clear emotional blockages, and facilitate a connection between an individual and their guides. Using a heart centered approach, she is adept at energetic balancing. She utilizes both tarot and crystal therapy, as well as auric readings to delve deeper into specific issues to assist in mapping a path toward a healthier state of mind. She works closely with Angelic and Reiki energy to align and harmonize her client's etheric and physical bodies. She specializes in working with individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, fear/nightmares, and people wanting to understand and explore their own gifts. All sessions are held in strict confidence.
Marlo Reads Tuesdays 3:30pm-8pm, and Fridays 3:30-8:00pm - Phone only
Marlo is $3 per minute |
Laura is a Clairvoyant, Medium, and Vocal Channel. Through a number of near death experiences and a long illness, Laura has been attuned to Spirit and subtle energy. She began to meditate as a way of shifting out of pain and depression. Her life was forever changed when a team of higher-dimensional angelic beings came and saved her life, retrieving her soul from beyond the veil and putting her back into her body. Laura uses her direct connection to her Higher Self and the Angelic Realm to facilitate healing and deepen your connection to your Higher Self, allowing you to move forward with spiritual clarity and resolution.
Laura also offers intuitive natal astrology readings, in which she uses both her intellectual knowledge of astrology and her channeling ability to offer you greater insight into your personality and life purpose. With your input and participation, she will assist you in seeing the root cause of events and behavior patterns that are playing out in your life. A natal chart reading combined with direct intuitive guidance can help you heal into understanding and accepting who you are so that you can understand why you create your reality as you do and how to change it and find greater joy in your life. Laura also reads natal charts for your children and grandchildren upon request so that you can understand how to optimally nurture them and meet their needs. **Must be scheduled a week in advance for preparation of chart.
Laura Reads Tuesdays 11:30am-2:30pm, Fridays 11:30pm-2:30pm, and Sundays 1 - 4:30pm - Phone only
Natal Astrology Readings and Solar Returns are $175 per hour **Appointments must be made a week in advance.
Healings $175 one hour, $300 two hours
Channeled Readings $175 per hour |
Vanessa Violet
Vanessa is an intuitive tarot reader and spiritual teacher with clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairempathic abilities. She thrives on establishing a secure, judgment-free space where individuals feel seen, heard, and understood. Vanessa's purpose centers on illuminating the inherent light and power within others, fostering healing, growth, honesty, and self-love. . Tarot serves as a channel to share invaluable insights with those navigating their healing journey. Vanessa delivers necessary truths, grounded in a foundation of love that permeates all aspects of her work
Vanessa reads Tuesdays from 2-7pm and Wednesdays from 11:00am--3:00pm- In Person and Phone
Diana Wint
Diana is a Certified Medium having studied mediumship for several years under the leadership of the Spiritualist Church, being tested and certified through them. She is an Ordained Minister, teacher of mediumship, guest speaker, a certified hypnotherapist and a Reiki Master. Her psychic tools are the Tarot & Psychometry, having the special gift of reading energies and messages from the flowers. She is also a Medical Intuitive. Her approach is witty and loving while focusing on the client’s goals and dreams open to them now and in the future.
*30 min minimum
Diana reads Thursdays 10am-2pm - Phone only
Mediumship rates: $85 per 30 min, $170 per hour
Tara has been doing readings since she was a teenager and professionally for over 20 years. She is a spiritual counselor, medium, numerologist, and animal communicator with a background in Healing Arts. Tara provides guidance in all areas and aspects of life and offers honest and specific details guided by her Clairvoyant abilities. She also uses her intuition to pull some oracle cards and gives numerological yearly forecasts and life path information that will provide answers about your Life purpose and what's in store for your future.
Tara reads Thursdays 3:30pm - 7pm by Phone |
Dina Kleiman
Dina is an intuitive, psychic, Akashic Records and Chakra reader. She is also an Energy Healer, reiki Master, Teacher, Vocal Channel, Hypnotherapist and Teacher with over 10 years of professional experience. She will help you change things in your life that you have not been able to change untill now, reveal your true self, and reach your highest potential.
In a reading session, you will discover your hidden strengths, spiritual gifts and your souls purpose. You will also gain clarity on the patterns and blockages that keep you stuch in life, allowing you to clear the way for your authentic self to shine through and create the life you want to live.
In an Energy Healing session, you will release what's holding you back from creating the life you desire: negative thoughts, beliefs, limitations, and trauma imprints from this or other lifetimes and from your ancestral lineage. This will enable you to follow your true path and bring balance, purpose, and joy into your life.
Dina reads Tuesdays from 11am-3pm in person and phone
Readings $150 per hour, $80 per 30 minutes
Healings $250 per 1 hour 20min
Chakra Evaluation 90 min $230
Nora is a Certified Clairvoyant, Vocal Channel and Multidimensional Healer through the Raina Teachings curriculum . She is also a certified reiki Master, Theta Healer, Shamanic Practitioner and Numerology reader.
In a reading, her spirits work through her by listening to you and feeling your vibration, providing her with images to co-create with you what you want to experience and assistance in what actions you need to take. She can also use Tarot cards to access or augment the information she is receiving. She can help you in English and Spanish.
During her healings she allows the spirit guides to work through her allowing the healing to be uniquely guided and tailored to each individuals needs. During a healing you may experience a release of those things that no longer serve your highest good such as old feeling of resentment, guilt, shame and anger. This gives way to feeling of expansion and love.
Nora reads Mondays 3pm-7pm , In Person and Phone English and Spanish
Healings $215 per 1 hour 15min Numerology Readings ( Self and Relationship ) are $175 per hour and require appt made one week in advance to prepare the chart
Richard Kilgo II
Richard Kilgo is a gifted intuitive and empath with a profound passion for self-empowerment and healing. With 20 years of experience offering readings, Richard uses Tarot to serve as a gateway to his intuition, offering profound insights into the current influences in his clients' lives, identifying obstacles, and equipping them with practical tools to navigate challenges.
As a Re Hu Tek Master with over 15 years of practice, Richard also offers Healing Sessions. During a Healing Session, Richard creates a sacred space for clients to embark on transformative healing journeys. His sessions begin with a consultation, allowing clients to discuss their unique healing needs and vision their ideal outcome. Richard then employs Re Hu Tek energy to clear, balance, and energize the entire chakra system and then release surface-level karmic energy within the Client. Clients also have the option to receive a temporary hand attunement, enabling them to channel Re Hu Tek energy for 3 to 7 days following their healing session. Richard's adaptable and personalized approach offers a healing of whatever is most ready to be addressed and released for the Client's Highest Good.
Richard reads Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11am-3:00pm in person or by phone
$225 for 75 Minute Healing Session. |
MayLynne is an Intuitive Transformational Life Coach, Energy Healer, Clairvoyant Reader, Vocal Channel, Spiritual Teacher/Awakener, and Medium. Highly empathic, she has natural abilities of receiving information by Claircognizance, Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience. MayLynne works from her heart center creating a sacred space with her Spirit Council of Higher Self, Lemurian high vibrational beings, and Tako, an American Indian Medicine Spirit ~ channeling her healing through song. Her passion is to work as a spiritual coach unlocking unhealthy patterns linked to chilhood, relationship and past life patterns, bringing forth timeless healings in truth, clairty, healthy boundaries and empowerment to your soul journey in the embodiment of love and compassion.
MayLynne is available by appointment only - phone
Healings $175 one hour, $300 two hours
Channeled Readings $175 per hour
Erin Goodwin
Erin is a claircognizant, clairvoyant, clairsentient and empath with over 10 years of professional experience. Her sensitivity started as a young child when she began experiencing spirit activity in the home she lived in. She now serves as an intuitive counselor for people looking for clarity in their life. Going over a variety of issues including love, family issues, career, grief, trauma and emotional wellbeing. She also has a very good connection with sensitive children of all ages who are in need of support. In addition to all of this, she can view past lives, read auras, and connect to loved ones in spirit. With the help of her stellar guides, the messages Erin delivers heal, inspire, and inform all in one one session.
Erin reads by appointment - Phone only $70 Half Hour and $130 per Hour
*30 min minimum
Tyler is Clairvoyvant, Claircognizant and a Healer. She uses her abilities to bring forth clarity and guidance for you to align to your highest path, with her connection to Spirit and her Higher Self. Tyler receives clear messages helping you to navigate through life's struggles, blockages, relationships and the ever changing energies at hand, ensuring that tools are given to best assist youthrough self transformation and self empowerment. May you embrace your own personal power by diving into the depths of self love.
Tyler reads by appt only In Person and Phone
Healing sessions are 90 minutes and $250 |
Brian Powers
Brian is an Intuitive life coach, Business life strategist, natural empath and seeker of the truth. Brian is also trained Chanel, clairvoyant and medium. His purpose remains providing guidance in your overall awareness of who you really are and your life's path, to overcome present day obstacles to success achieving the most fulfillment and enjoyment along the way.
Brian is Focused on Solution finding, problem solving and assisting you to connect with your highest purpose.
Brian reads Sundays From 12pm-5pm in person and by phone |
Pat Dreyer
As a certified clairvoyant intuitive, trance channel, hypnotherapist and medium Pat offers an expanded awareness to those who are ready to experience extraordinary moments of clarity. Pat had her first profound psychic vision over 30 years ago while pregnant with her daughter. This mystical event began her life journey of enhancing her connection to spirit and her guides and ignited her desire to co-create with others.
Pat's insights from the spirit world inspire renewed choices and belief systems in your current world to attract what you desire most.
She gifts her clients with a more diverse lens to see themselves, their patterns and the situations they've put themselves in with the most authentic and loving style.
Pat reads on Wednesdays from 2:30-6pm In person and over the Phone. Minimum reading is 30 minures .
Kimberly Heard
Kimberly is a natural empath, trained clairvoyant and medium. Kimberly can see obstacles emotionally, physically or spiritually that are blocking or holding a person back from moving forward to their highest vibration.
She will speak from her higher self and spirit guides perspective to bring everything to light. She can communicate with deceased loved ones as necessary or requested. This work is profoundly personal to her and a gift from spirit. She respects spirits' process and is grateful for the opportunity to share these gifts with others on the road to a happy and more healed destiny .
KImberly reads on Saturdays from 11am -6pm In person and over the Phone
Mediumship rates: $85 per 30 min, $170 per hour
Lynn Carlson
Lynn receives her messages directly from Spirit - either from her Higher Self and her Spirit Guides, or the guides and loved ones of the person she is reading. She gives psychic readings where she explores her client's life and the questions they ask. She also gives mediumship readings where she connects with the loved one(s) of the person she is reading. During mediumship readings Lynn reads the departed loved ones personality, sees events and themes of their lives, as well as the kind of relationships they had with their family and in particular her client. These connections allow her to give meaningful messages. Lynn is a certified member of the Shay Parker's Best American Psychics.
Lynn reads by appointment only
Barbara Myles
Barbara transitioned from her physical form in Aug of 2023. She will always be a sacred part of the essence of all that Awakenings is .
We LOVE you Barb
Born with “The Gift” Anthony cultivated a strong relationship to spirituality and mysticism at an early age. With over 20 years of studies and practical experience utilizing astrology, Anthony honed his skills into an artistry and mastery. Amplified by his natural psychic abilities, his readings are transformed into extraordinary and potentially life changing sessions. This unique synergy has created Anthony to be one of the most sought after psychic astrologers working today. |
Astrological Analysis – Personal, Love, Family & Business $225
Your natal chart is much like a snapshot of the sky at the very moment we were born. We carry our natal chart with us through the entire course of our lives, even though the planets and luminaries continue their movement and cycles in the sky. A thorough 60-90 minute session that illuminates the blue print of your life.
Relationship Compatibility Analysis – Friendship, Love, Family & Business $225
This in-depth comparison will give you a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your relationships, providing you with an understanding of past events and suggestions on how to navigate in the future. 60-90 Minutes
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Planetary Transit Analysis $150 PER HOUR $100 PER 1/2 HOUR
Precise specialized follow up consultations to help you successfully navigate the flow of energies throughout the year.