Classroom Rental RATES
Room size: 17’ x 32’ (544 SqFt)
Hourly: $40.00 per hour (2 hr minimum)
Full Day: $320.00 (6 - 9 hour rental)
Special Weekday Rate: $20 Hour (Monday through Friday 10am-6pm)
Payment Policies:
50% non-refundable deposit is due upon booking. Remainder of balance is due day of the event.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation is required two weeks prior to event date in order to avoid responsibility for full rental fees.
A credit card number will be required to hold all bookings.
Room Rental Application:
Please call or email us for Classroom Availability - 949-457-0797
Room Rental Guidelines
You are responsible for everything in the room when you are renting. Loving care and intention went into the creation of this space. Please care for this room as if it were your own.
Please put things back where you found them.
Please care for the paintings, statues, crystals or other decorative items. If any loss or damage occurs, you will be financially responsible to repairs or replacements. This includes non decorative items such as chairs or radios.
If you make any type of mess, you are responsible to clean it up. Brooms and cleaning products will be made available to you.
If a loss or damage does occur, please be courteous and inform the staff on duty in the store. If no one is available, please leave a note in the mail box on the door. Someone will contact you the next day to go over the details.
Thank you for your care and cooperation. We appreciate your business. |

1. Place a Class Description ad in our Awakenings Magazine to help explain your event. Description should be approx. 50 words and include the time, date, and cost of your event as well as contact and/or registration information. Approx. distribution 3000 copies.COST: $20.00
Due Dates for submission are: January 3 (Feb/March),
March 1 (Apr/May), May 1 (JuneJjuly), July 1 (Aug/Sept),
Sept 1 (Oct/Nov), Nov 1 (Dec/Jan).
2. Purchase an Email Blast to be sent out 3-7 days before your event. Approx. distribution is 1500 people. COST: Group email: $30.00, Dedicated email: $45.00
3. Provide a color flyer for our Announcement Bulletin Board so people can take them from the store with them.
4. We do not recommend placing ¼ page, ½ page or full page ads in our magazine for events. We do recommend advertising your business. Advertising of this type placed less than 7 times in not usually a beneficial way to advertise. It takes people 7 times for recognition before actually choosing to take advantage of it.
5. Hold the space for your event. Do not book your event, take the above steps and think your work is done. You must do all you can in addition to taking the above steps to organize a successful event.
6. Flyer suggestions: Do not be too wordy or over explain. Present a clear and concise agenda and definition of exactly what your event is offering. Pictures are helpful. Bio’s should be short. Cost, date, time, and contact/registration phone number and/or email should be included.
7. Do not cancel if you feel enough people have not signed up. If even 1 person signs up it is worth showing up for them. Creating a vortex of energy by holding the space for the event regardless of circumstances and word of mouth recommendations are keys to success. Don’t expect to fill the room your first time and definitely don’t expect it if you cancel on any sign ups the first time. If deposit and rental money are factors, figure out from the start what you are willing to invest. This alleviates stress about this later and allows you to commit to your event, no matter what.
